maandag 17 juni 2013

Haas en kikker!

Pasen is alweer voorbij, en de lente zowat ook. De paashaas is af (naar Arne & Carlos), en Kikker ook!

In mooi roze!

Kwaaaak! Ik zit in het gras! Kikker krijgt er binnenkort nog een vriendje bij...hierover later meer.

zondag 2 juni 2013


Sorry for being absent for a while, I have been doing so many things...and new plans!

I have been knitting a lot but will do from now on more crocheting.

Last week I have been to the new shop from Echtstudio, which was moved to a new location.
The shop looked so cool and inspiring that I couldn't resist myself.

I will be making a great granny square plaid, the one from Revlie, she has a great blog! I am a fan of hers:
#me# will be making the grey one with flowers, yippiieee summer is coming!

I love doing granny's every night, it's kind of a meditation.
Oh and yes, I am busy with the REVit up scarf, wonderful! 

My first granny, the green one on the left, went wrong somehow. 11 times 3x double crochet, so I missed one group. Could not take it out, so decided to make a new one, red one. This one went well phewww... 

Then I also fell in love with the star stitch bucket, just a nice addition for your home I think.
Simply beautiful!

And last but not least, I am making my own pattern, it will be soooo cute!

                         My own

                         Monkey number 3

                 My knitting and crocheting support

